Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Shake Your Groove Thang"

Apparently Ashlynn, who is almost three, loses all inhibitions whenever she hears Metro Station's "Shake it", on the radio. We have become accustomed to the many onlookers that gather to watch the "show". Last week, while we were at the Mall, we were lucky enough to capture her performance on video to share with you. We are still trying to figure out where she learned to shake that booty!

Looking Back...

This year Quinn & I have resolved to make a more conscious effort to enjoy the simple things in life, to "stop & smell the roses" so to speak. As we reflected back over the past year we felt that we could have been a little more positive by focusing on what we have been blessed with , taken a few more photos to help us remember those times that make everything worth while & kept in touch better with those we love. But we all know how busy life can be & how fast time goes by. So, we hope that creating this blog will help us cherish every moment and allow us to share them with you (our family & friends).